Drove up to Edmond yesterday for my 12 week post op (@11 weeks) Got to enjoy the first snow of the season on the drive up! I left super early not knowing how bad the weather might be but it wasn't bad at all! Just super cold and windy!!

Weighed in at 208.5, which is two pounds more than what my scale read
yesterday morning, which was two pounds more than what I weighed the other day... (this morning, 203.6) However, Dr. B told me I was at 45% at 11 weeks where the average loss is 67% by 6 mos po. (I think I understood that right) either way it was great news! He was very pleased with my results and even said that if I continue at this rate we'll be talking about how to slow my weight loss by the next appointment in March! He wants me to see Dr. Keller for a post op counsel session. I've had a couple days I thought I needed that anyway. So we're on the same page there.
Visiting with Chris (diet) was great. Except for the part where I asked if it was okay to eat Quinoa... No, it's still a carb, and we don't do carbs. Wah wah...
We went way over our time cuz I got chatty, but it was good! I think I really needed the reminder about why we don't do carbs and have a better understanding of how our body responds to them. Not sure I know how to re-explain it so that others get it though. She asked me about support group and I told her I hadn't found one that I really like yet because I feel like most of what I hear doesn't follow the WeightWise program. Is there a Bariatric doc in DFW that does a no carb program??? It would help me out a lot! Chris told me to just keep my WW filter on while at support groups and I'll do fine! I just don't want to come across rude if I disagree with what I hear at group!
I'm scheduled for heart rate testing on the 21st and will get the info I need to train at my proper heart rate. I'll also have Lauren (exercise) look over my training schedule and see if there should be any adjustments. She's running the Dallas Rock n Roll too!
I realized the other day that I haven't added my surgeons site to my blog yet.
I encourage anyone interested in Bariatric surgery to check out Weight Wise and their program. It's very thorough, but as I've said before that's what I liked about them. For me it's worth the time and the driving to have a great team with proven results!
I've been thinking about joining 24hr fitness so I have a place to do my training in doors. My co-worker showed me a deal from either Sam's or Costco for a two year membership PIF at $319. Great price for access to all clubs!

A pic of me feeling pretty, and yes I was driving!
So.... I may have mentioned that I was bringing back leg warmers. Well they are back and I'm showing you a few ways you can wear them and be cool. You know, cause that's how I roll...

Tucked in the boot, peeking out the top. Works well with short boots or tall boots! $12 on Amazon. Boots from Ross!
Thick/chunky warmers over the boot. With a skirt or with jeans. Can't go wrong! $12 at DSW (same boots)

I don't like these boots with out the warmers any more! And I like the little pom pom ties on these! Steve Madden, $12 @ DSW. Boots from Ross!