Tuesday, October 11, 2011

4 weeks Post - op UPDATE!

Finally access to a PC with internet and a little time to catch things up!

I tried noting some stuff on my phone so I could just plug it in to the blog whenever I got around to it but I decided to just wing it this morning instead! I'm at work filling in at the front b/c 1) we're short staffed, and 2) someone didn't plan better for being short staffed. The strange thing is I'm here ALL ALONE! I'm just glad it's early in the day and not night time!

Anyhoo, back to what this blog is all about... my weightloss journey! I can't believe it's already been 1 month since I was cut and gutted (as TJ would say). Since my last update I have graduated to solid foods! YAY! Most of the time I am able to get and keep food down. I've had chopped beef, sliced beef, cheese, bacon, eggs, meatballs and marinara, allot of the normal foods I would have had before surgery, minus the carbs! I will admit though, I have had a few carbs that are not on my list of allowed foods. had a few bites of mashed potato's yesterday... and some low carb veggie chips last week, but not even a full serving. I really like orange juice right now. I'm not super concerned with caloric intake just yet b/c I'm eating such small amounts that I know I'm not exceeding or even coming close to 1000 a day!

So far the hardest adjustment has been timing my vitamins and meals with my work schedule! I've asked for breaks following each client in order to get some fluids in between clients as well, but some days I get so busy that my 30 min break dwindles down to 15 and that's not enough time for anything but drinking!

It's time to re-measure so I can see what I've lost in inches! I know it's just melting away b/c people tell me all the time and b/c this pair of pants I'm wearing to work every day get looser and looser (don't care if that's not a word). They were a little snug when I found them at the Goodwill boutique, but tried them on a week later and perfect fit! Now... I have to pull them up sometimes... I'm quickly running out of clothes to wear that don't look like drapes on me! Not a bad problem to have but I can't really afford to buy much new stuff and I hate shopping thrift stores! I like to shop in organized places! Might just have to get the sewing machine out and learn how to use it and keep some of my favorite items fitting a little longer!

Random: this morning I was feeling around my incision sites and kind of rubbing and squeezing them! I heard a pop on one and felt this little nodule release! I know it's just scar tissue so I'm not concerned, but it was so weird to hear it pop!

Okay, I'm running out of time and I know this isn't the most detailed of updates... but here's the good stuff...
weight as of last night 228! I think this is about what I weighed when I got married (5 years ago last week btw) I might try my dress on this week and see how it fits! considering last time I put it on just for kicks I couldn't even zip it! Even if this is close to what I weighed then I feel like I carry it differently... My face is looking thinner, my bra's don't roll up my back! I have pics, and will get them on here asap! they aren't attractive by any means but since every new one gets better I'm not so embarrassed to post them! just need to find the time and figure out how to get them on here!

Anyway, gotta go... more soon I promise!